Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kolossal Kolob Canyons in Zion National Park, Utah

The Kolob Canyons are located in the northwestern part of Zion National Park in southern Utah. They're quite different to Zion Canyon in that their magnificence can be viewed from afar.

If you click on this photo to enlarge, you can actually read the information plaque about the Kolob Canyons.

I did find my patches of blue sky and the pale background just highlighted the coloured rocks.

Unfortunately, I couldn't spend as long as I liked in this section of the park. There are many walks to do and places to explore and some of the wildflowers were out too.

I would love to revisit the Kolob Canyons because there weren't as many people and consequently it's much quieter than Zion Canyon.

There are no camping facilities here either and people probably like the campgrounds which are not too far away from Springdale near the south entrance to Zion National Park.

I preferred this area but it may also have been because the weather was slightly better than the more famous canyon. You can decide yourself when you visit.

If you would like a larger version of the bottom photo for a desktop wallpaper email me at

Read more about the park here

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Zoom in on Zion's Kolossal Kolob Canyons, Utah

Zion National Park, in southern Utah, is a park which is very spread out, having an east entrance and the main south entrance to Zion Canyon. In the northwest there's another entrance leading to the Kolob Canyons. It involves leaving the southern section of the park and heading west on Route 9 and connecting with the I-15. Well worth the drive.

The weather, while I was in the southern part of the park, was overcast and not ideal for photos, so I decided to head to the Kolob Canyons to see if I could find a patch of blue.
Here there was an excellent visitor centre and landscape much more to my liking. Unlike Zion Canyon, where I felt boxed in and had to look up at the rock formations, the Kolob Canyons were more open and easier to photograph in the landscape format (for my DVD purposes).

The location of the visitor centre is a bit deceiving because it doesn't really prepare you for the spectacular views along the road leading into the canyons. More photos of the Kolob Canyons in a future post.

Read more about the park here